Good Morning To All

On Development


Transmedia and collaborative project that explores the origin and celebration of birthdays, one of the oldest and most popular traditions in the world celebrated by millions of people from different cultures, countries and beliefs. A manifesto to diversity that invites us to reflect on our human relationships and the passage of time.

Birthdays celebration makes sense only during a special day, an extraordinary day in the ordinary life that commemorates the precise moment when a person’s life begins. Although ancient civilizations celebrated it thousands of years ago, it was not until the beginning of the 20th century when its celebration (and commercialization) became popular worldwide along with the famous song “Happy Birthday to You”, which is currently sung in more than 60 countries with billions of people around the world. But not everyone sings this song and not everyone lives their birthday in the same way.


Good Morning To All proposes a journey through the five continents, looking for the origin, history and meaning of the birthday celebration through the testimony of specialists and people from different cultures. At the same time, it invites people from all over the world to collaborate in the research process by sharing their stories, photographs and videos, which will then be selected and exhibited through digital platforms and interactive installations.


This is a small tribute to a tradition that resists the passage of time and whose re-signification can open the door to a greater dimension for the understanding of ourselves and the society in which we live.

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